Magyar és nemzetközi publikációk, felmérések és tapasztalatok az audiovizuális stimulációs technika alkalmazásáról

Magyar publikációk

Nemzetközi publikációk

ScienceBased Technique to Conquer ADHD Without Ritalin.pdf

Blue Light Improves Cognitive Performance.pdf

How to Increase Serotonin in the Human Brain.pdf

MC Square Verbal Memory Learning and Attention.pdf

Phototransduction in Ganglion Cell Photoreceptors.pdf

Responses of the Nervous System to Low Frequency Stim and EEG.pdf

Research on Light and Sound.pdf

Psychological Effects Brainwave Entrainment.pdf

Ideal lamp color for photic stimulation.pdf

HRV_and_Brain_Injury-executive functions.pdf


Frequency-Based Light-Sound Neurotherapy.pdf

Effects of AVE on Parkinsons Tremor.pdf

Effects of 18-5 Hz AVS on EEG Amplitude at the Vertex.pdf

Effectiveness of AVS on Executive function in Children with High-functioning Autism.pdf

EEG coherence effects of AVS.pdf

Dynamics of process of memory at influence of AVS.pdf



AVS to Improve Cognitive Abilities in Learning-Disabled Children.pdf

AVS Teatment ADD_ADHD.pdf

The Neurobiology of Affective Disorders and Clinical Implications for AVE.pdf

Stress the Brain and AVE.pdf

Seniors-Getting Young Again by Boosting the Brain with AVE.pdf

Seniors Studies with MindAlive Devices.pdf

MindAlive Tech Talk-HRV and AVE.pdf

AVE-Finding a Treatment for PTSD.pdf

AVE9-Boosting Grades Socialization Reducing Stress in the Students.pdf

AVE8-Safety and Tru-Vu Omniscreen Eyesets.pdf

AVE7-AVE as a Treatment Modality for PTSD.pdf

AVE6-The Application of AVE for the Treatment of Seniors Issues.pdf

AVE5-The Neurobiology of Affective Disorders and Clinical Implications of AVE.pdf

AVE4-The Application of AVE for the Treatment of SAD.pdf

AVE3-Applying AVE Technology for Attention and Learning.pdf

AVE2-Dental Studies.pdf

AVE1-History and Physiological Mechanisms.pdf

AVE Treatment for Behavior Disorders in a School.pdf

Applying AVE Technology for Attention and Learning.pdf

CES kutatások

Dave Siever szabadalmi leírása – oldal független agyfélteke stimulátor – TruVu Omniscreen szemüveg